Days at Ziji are filled with songs, art, crafts, math, reading, science, stories, friendship, and play. Ziji offers a meaningful and embodied entry into the world of school for kindergarten, first, and second graders. Ziji students love going to school…

Imagine feeling excited about spending the day at school

We understand your child’s passion for learning and boundless curiosity. We know that children need time and space to move, to follow their hearts, to dig into what brings them joy. Once those needs are met they can relax into themselves. This relaxation makes room for growth. Imagine not needing to ‘armor up’ to get through the day. All the energy that armoring takes is then available for other things—learning, playing, creating, wondering…

As an Early Childhood Educator with 30+ years experience, my experience as a Ziji parent was exceptional. Ziji is an extraordinary school and Norah and Megan are extraordinary teachers. My expectations were always met in an above and beyond manner and my son had a huge head start in life as a result of attending Ziji for his early childhood years.
— Former Ziji Parent

Coming Fall 2025
Friday Enrichment Program, more information here.

I find that my child’s intellect and heart are fully engaged throughout her day at Ziji. She comes home inspired and clearly nourished.
— Ziji Parent